Epilepsy Journal
Record - Display - Convey!
Take control of your epilepsy by using a simple seizure app available for free on Android and iOS
Epilepsy Journal allows you to quickly document seizure triggers, types, medication and so much more.
The information you provide is organized into easy to read graphs which allow for quick visualization serving as a valuable communication aid allowing you to generate a straightforward and professional report which can be shared with your physicians.

Track your epilepsy with just ONE press of a button!
Record seizure details
Visual representation of your data
Generate reports – Share with your doctor
Medication reminders
VNS and Ketogenic diet monitoring
Available in 22 languages
Available on Android, iOS and Wear OS
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder which affects 1 in 26 people worldwide. It can have a relapsing, remitting, and unpredictable course. Treatment of epilepsy can be frustrating, and has been accurately referred to as being similar to the popular “whack a mole” game. Whether your epilepsy is mild or severe, refractory or controlled, it is critical to objectively and consistently monitor certain factors such as number of seizures, seizure triggers, AED drug or ketone levels, and other vital information. Keeping a detailed epilepsy journal will allow you to quickly notice any changes to your epilepsy, as well as provide you with impartial evidence as to whether your epilepsy treatment is truly effective or losing effectiveness over time.

In Epilepsy Journal you can record your seizure very easily with as much as detail you would like. Offering you a visual representation of all of your data and a whole section devoted to help you understand your epilepsy by identifying trends. The app organizes your data and generates 5 different professional reports for your medical team to help you objectively convey information. From our own experience with epilepsy, we found that it was difficult to remember everything during a doctor’s appointment and that is why this app is built with the purpose of improving the communication between the patient and their medical team. Additionally, this app can help you keep track of medications with reminders and help you determine the effectiveness of your therapy!

Pick from 22 languages to customize your app. The language included are: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, English, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Swedish.
Connect the app to your smart watch to always have it on hand because you never know when a seizure can occur. Customize the app to your style by changing the theme and choose the button look that best suits you!

Our Story
Our mission
My daughter Olivia is an inspiration for Epilepsy Journal. Olivia has a refractory and severe epilepsy which began at age 1. We were advised by our physicians to keep a written journal in order to track trends and treatment response overtime. Although the journal was helpful in allowing us to objectively monitor the effectiveness of her epilepsy treatments, it was very time consuming and tended to be disorganized; as well, the hundreds of pages of notes did not help us when it became most critical to quickly and accurately summarize months worth of seizure history. During our experience navigating the neurology health care system, we found accurate and effective communication to be a key factor in successfully working with doctors and achieving ideal seizure control.
We created this app as a free and simple way to monitor your epilepsy; track trends and patterns, objectively determine effectiveness of seizure treatment overtime, and improve success of doctors appointments. Since epilepsy contains dozens of ever changing variables, we decided to organize data into simple visuals which demonstrate seizure trends and patterns over a time span of months to years.
We hope that this app enables you to grasp a better understanding of your own individual epilepsy, and that it empowers you as an effective communicator and advocate within your epilepsy health care team.
We are a very small team, pouring our hearts into this project that we attend to after our daytime jobs. I thank everyone that has been involved in this process and who had helped and support this app. Thank you to all of my dear friends around the world who translated the app so it can be fit to help people in different countries in the comfort of their own language.
- Dad Donny
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Our Services
Get direct Access to epileptic patients and neurologist around the world!
Advertise your company or brand in Epilepsy Journal. Our generated reports with your logo presented could be delivered directly to the hands of physicians all around the world. Contact us to get more information on how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Can I access the same seizure records on multiple phones?Yes you can. Sign in on each device with the same credentials and your data will automatically be synchronized between all devices.
Is there a way to edit seizure information after I've already hit "save" ?Yes. In order to edit a previous seizure go to the menu bar and click “Calendar”. Once the calendar is opened, click on the day that the seizure which you would like to edit occurred. All the recorded seizures for that date will be shown directly under the calendar. Click on the seizure that you would like to edit. Press the pencil icon on the top righthand side of the screen in order to edit the seizure information. A new seizure page will come up and you then can edit whichever information you like. Once you are done editing the seizure press save.
Is there a way to look back at the details of each individual seizure?Yes. The details of your seizure history are kept logged in the Calendar feature. To access this feature go to the menu section and click “Calendar”. Days on which seizures occurred will be indicated with a blue line. Days with seizures that required rescue medication will be indicated with a red line. Days on which VNS usage was needed will be shown with a green line. Seizures which contain additional “notes” will be indicated with a thumbtack icon. To add a new seizure to the calendar click on the (+) icon located on the top righthand side of the screen. To add a new note to the calendar, click on the date which you would like to have the note included, and then click on the thumbtack icon located on the top righthand side of the screen.
Can I add notes to each seizure?Yes. Once you hit the seizure button you are brought to the “New Seizure” page. At the bottom of the page, next to the thumbtack icon, there is now an “Add Note” section. Click on “Add Note” if you would like to add a note to the seizure. All notes are kept logged and can be accessed in the calendar feature.
How do I install the Widget?Step 1: Go to your home screen and press onto the screen for a few moments or until the menu pops up Step 2: Click on the widget option Step 3: Press and hold onto the seizure button widget and drag the widget to your preferred location Step 4: Let go of the widget and tap onto your home screen to return to the home screen. Here is a link to a guideline if needed: http://www.talkandroid.com/guides/beginner/adding-widgets-to-android-home-screen/
How do I change the language of the app?In order to change the language of the app first go to the menu section and click on “settings”. Once you have opened the settings section, click on “Language”. A language bar will pop up showing the different language options. Click on your preferred language.
How do I use the VNS (Vagal Nerve Stimulation) Feature?To use the VNS feature first go to the menu section and click “Settings”. Under settings click on “Enable VNS Monitoring”. Return to the main screen. Once you have enabled VNS monitoring, you will have the option to monitor your VNS usage by clicking on “VNS Swipe” which is located directly under the timer in the “New Seizure” page. When you would like to record a seizure, click on the seizure button. Once the new seizure page opens, you can then click on VNS swipe whenever it is needed. Seizures which required VNS usage will be shown as green in the seizure history graph and calendar.